
January 7th, 1980

Janie circa 1980
I am so sick of the relentless head banging rock they play all frickin’ day on The Cougar. Not to mention the freaks I work with who insist on listening to that station. If I hear the Zep one more time I might have to kill someone. Don’t they realize our parents used to make out to that music – disgusting.
They asked me why I wear my make-up like I do and I asked them if they had ever heard of Siouxsie Sioux. That stumped their shriveled little pea brains. I’m sure their grey matter has shrunk from all the extra energy expended in growing long stringy rocker hair.
I can’t wait until I’ve saved enough money to record some real music. Thank God for College Radio. My Life was saved by Rock & Roll.