
February 18th, 1980

I am dying here. I haven’t written for so long because S. and I are having this torrid secret love thing. It is almost unbearable to write it down because I am terrified that someone will find this diary one day and read this. I’ve got to remember to burn it one day.
Okay this is what happened. He gave me that book, A Confederacy of Dunces, which he thought I would love but it turned out to be the worst book ever about some disgusting fat guy with diverticulitis. Of course I couldn’t keep my mouth shut after I read it and told him at work that it completely sucked and what was he thinking??!! And then I noticed his eyes. Oh my GOD, they are so crystal clear I’m going to die if I look into them any longer turquoise pools of gorgeousness. And then I noticed he was watching my mouth the whole time I was telling him I hated this book and the next thing I know, my stomach is totally doing flip flops and I felt my face turning beet red. So, I shut up and told him I had to go photocopy something for Mr. L.
I’m dead. I’m dead. I’m dead.

S. (?) (circa 1980)