The Janie Jones Archive is a volunteer organization dedicated to preserving and posting the journals and memorabilia belonging to Janie Jones from 1980 through 1994.
Album Cover ?
These Images, found in one of Janie's former residences, were recently submitted to the Janie Jones Archive. They are believed to be photographs taken for an unrealized album cover.
The Janie Jones Archive is a volunteer organization dedicated to preserving and posting the journals and memorabilia belonging to Janie Jones from 1980 through 1994. In 2004, the contents of a box caught the attention of a student working as a sorting associate at the Salvation Values Thrift Conglomerate Global Distribution Center. It contained several 8 track analog recordings of pre and post-punk cover songs by Janie Jones, her journals and fan letters. They indicate Janie Jones recorded original music but no known copies exist. Photos of Janie and her friends, books, albums and articles of clothing were included in the box. Believing she had discovered a long lost Punk Rock Heroine, the student decided to share Janie's story in the hopes that someone would come forward who could shed light on Janie's life. Although her current whereabouts are unknown Janie continues to receive correspondence. There is no record of her existence after April 8th, 1994. The Janie Jones Archive will post fan letters and information about Janie received by email at